Thursday, January 15, 2009

hApPY biRthDAy to mE

We didn't have set plans for the evening but some friends came by with ballons, treats, this pretty bird house for the cabin I loved, and this cake almost way too beautiful to eat.
Thank you so much everyone for making my day such a fun one!!
Also thank you to all of you that sent the cute cards, called me on the phone and sent emails, you really made my day! (even the next day calls , it's fun to make it last longer hee hee)
...from left, me, Lexie, Laurie and Bruce, Ana Maria, and Jack and Jackie; the picture before is the same group but Ana Maria took the picture and Ed is in it.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

The Davies Family said...

I thought that looked like a Laurie cake! Happy Birthday!