Monday, March 2, 2009


Mom has been in bed for about a month or more now, only getting up to use her bathroom that is just a few feet away. We got the ok from her Lung Specialist, Dr Zenger to have the help from Hospice, that as you know is a program that cares for those that are struggling with terminal illnesses as she is.
She has Pulmonary Fibrosis, and has also struggle with some other illnesses along the way, that together with drugs that have been neccesary to help her at times are also to blame for some other symtoms and things she's had to deal with now.
We have had Hospice helping us for about a month now, give or take and it has been a good experience. She has a nurse, "Sarah" that comes once a week to check on her and help with anything she might need. Also an aid, "Amanda" that comes 3 times a week to bath her, change her bed and anything else she might need, she's from Colombia and is so nice that they can speak spanish. They also have Music Therapy, Heidi comes every once in a while and plays the Harp for them, Dad loves music so it's a treat for him too, not to mention Heidi served a LDS Mission in Chile and they can speak "Castellano" and talk about things they have in common.
Mom, Dad and my sister Ana Maria also met with Lynn the Director and that was a good experience as well, where we could ask questions and talk about concerns we could have. I also met with Stephanie, she's the social worker and also came to let us know of things they could do to make things better and offer her/their help with anything mom might need. They have all been wonderful and we are grateful for their help.


Tamara with a "T" said...

I am so glad you decided to have some help. I bet it makes things a little easier on you. Give nani and tata hugs! I need to come again and visit ;)

Rachael said...

I am glad things are working out, and that you are getting help. Let us know if you need anything!

Leake's said...

Vicki; You really are the greatest person I know. You are an angel to care for your Mom and Dad like you do. It is a great committment, challenge and blessing. But the memories and time you spend with them is so invaluable. God Bless You and Ed!

Troy and Lisa Fisher said...

Vicky, you are amazing! You have always taken such good care of your parents. I always think that people who care for aging parents have their place reserved in the hereafter. You are an angel daughter!